No matter where we live, there are palpable changes in the air and atmosphere around us. The light has begun to wane. The air begins its shift to slightly cooler, to a texture more like a crisp, fall apple and less like a summer plum. Whether we’re aware or not, the effect of these changes infiltrates us, harking back to the era when preparations made in this season determined the next season’s survival. Winter, the extreme time, is just around the corner. And so, nature alerts us with color—gigantic bursts of it, hot and intense. Trees begin to shift their energy flow from that of nourishment to that of containing and storing and conserving. No longer on the receiving end, the leaves begin to let go.

Turning the energy within and releasing that which is no longer needed are but two lessons to glean from this season. Introspection, reflection and reassessment are the gifts we can look for as fall settles upon us. More than any other time of year now is the time to stay grounded. To hunker down, find our roots, and gain strength.

In Key West, the change in season is subtle, although we feel it, too. We, too, must evolve and let things “fall.” We, too, are programmed at an instinctual level to notice and prepare. There’s also a pause this time of year in Key West, with fewer visitors, before the “snowbirds” return for the winter season. Things slow down a little. People tend to be a little bit less busy.

At The Green Pineapple Boutique, we continue our pursuit of sustainable products and brands. The LA-based brand, Onzie––which promotes “movement of the soul” along with the body in its activewear, is a luxury brand carried in many elite department stores, and is one of the few that walks the talk of a responsible brand. It’s 99% produced in its hometown, is female-owned, and is dedicated to positive, community participation—just like The Green Pineapple! With our website, you can access our store anywhere, knowing we’ve done the legwork to winnow out brands that work hard for our planet.

In our Yoga Shala we will be using a Fall Sequence to keep you mindful of this change and the effect on mind and body of keeping inner air warm while the outer air cools. Think of it this way; if the four seasons can be imagined as the four parts of a breath cycle, fall is the exhale while winter is the space between the exhale and inhale. Spring begins the inhale, and summer is the fullest part of that inhale.

Seasonal transitions can be hard on our immune systems and energy levels—this on top of the challenges we’re already facing being in a pandemic for the second year. Even if we’re not “sick” we might feel sluggish or just a bit “off.” Drop by our Wellness Cafe and check out the new menu. Grab a few bottles of fresh-pressed juices to go, all with inspiring and energizing names like Blissful, I Yam, Upbeet, Grateful Greens and Sunshine Daydream. Not only will they provide quick, instantly absorbable energy and hydration, they work from within to get your skin glowing, and your circulation and immune system in tip-top shape. Like we said at the beginning, it’s all about looking within. And, we hope, loving what you find there.