Spring has Sprung!

Explore decluttering tips, eco-friendly practices, and the joys of seasonal eating.
Whew…what a whirlwind the passing of time can be! From greeting the first day of winter mid-December to spreading holiday cheer, we’re right onto ringing in the next - setting fresh intentions and new year’s resolutions. Suddenly January turns into February, and we’re busy buzzing around spreading love and affection with St Valentine.
Next thing we know, it’s onto setting traps for Leprechauns, hoping to cash in on some luck of the Irish. And then, before we can even blink we’re welcoming the first day of spring, with the Easter Bunny hopping towards our door!
It seems winter break magically gave way to spring break, and now summer vacation is already nearly in sight.
With the sun lengthening our days as we creep from the spring equinox to the summer solstice, along with the extra hour of daylight we gained from setting our clocks ahead, we might feel a boost of energy, a rush of inspiration, and an increase of free time. Perhaps then, this creates the perfect opportunity to do some spring cleaning, clearing, or cleansing.
Spring is symbolic of renewal and rebirth. It is a time of reawakening with fresh energy after a period of deep rest. During springtime, the earth is fertile for new life and growth and ripe with new beginnings. The changing of seasons is very supportive for periods of transition, with the first day of spring marking the beginning of the new astrological year, also making this a prime time for a personal reset.
So whether it’s a clean-up of your closet or your diet, or a change in your habits or routines, (or anything in between!) we invite you to take advantage of this beautiful opportunity to align with the blossoming energy of spring.
Here at The Green Pineapple, we understand that making changes can sometimes be overwhelming and uncomfortable. But we also know that even subtle shifts can have significant and lasting impacts. So we’d like to offer our encouragement and support, along with some of our favorite tips for a few small, yet meaningful changes you can make today for a better tomorrow.
In regards to our homes, springtime is the perfect time to change out our wardrobes and clean out our closets. The weather is getting warmer, so as we start to put away our winter clothes, we have a chance to sort through items and separate those that might not have gotten any use over the past year. Likewise, while pulling out our spring and summer wear, we can sift through old styles and try things on before we hang them up for the season. Here we might find items that are no longer fitting, whether to our bodies or our tastes, and set them aside.
But now that we’ve created a “get rid of” pile, what do we do with it? Well, here in Key West, you might consider donating to our local Salvation Army, or to Samuel’s House, a women’s and children’s shelter on the island. For those outside the Keys, it’s likely you also have local donation centers, such as the Salvation Army or Goodwill that would be happy to take your hand-me-downs. You can also contact community centers and churches to see if they can use or pass along your donations to those in need.
Another fun way to change out your wardrobe is by having a clothing swap. Clothing swaps provide wonderful opportunities to gather with others and socialize while shedding old styles and scoring new ones. And it’s a double win because what doesn’t get traded can then be donated. Passing along gently used clothes, rather than taking them out with the trash, is a perfect way to “reduce, reuse, and recycle”.
And while we’re on the topic of those three R’s, this also goes for your household items, as donation centers typically accept furniture, appliances, and home accessories as well.
Once you have a little more room in your closets, we invite you to shop at our Boutiques and online store. Our Green Pineapple line and the brands we carry are filled with eco-friendly, sustainable items that are meant to last decades. This means you won’t be adding our styles to your “get rid-of pile” anytime soon.
Now, you might find you have a little extra free time as spring starts to draw out the days, and perhaps you feel inspired to do some deep cleaning before summer arrives. This can be a great chance to shift from conventional cleaning products towards more eco-friendly options if you’re not already using them.
It’s crucial to the health of ourselves, our families, our pets, and our planet that we be mindful of what we put out into the environment and take into our bodies. The products we use at home can be absorbed by our skin and inhaled naturally through breathing, which can be hazardous to our health, and potentially cause irritations and allergic reactions. Certain cleaning products also find their way down the drains out into the environment and water sources. Because of this, it’s important to make sure your cleaning supplies are listed as non-toxic, biodegradable, natural, organic, plant-based, and/or environmentally friendly.
You can also look at your local retailer or search online for compostable, biodegradable, and recycled trash bag options, or opt to use old paper grocery bags as another way to reduce strain on the environment.
Springtime brings us such a breath of fresh air. Especially for those in colder climates, this time of year offers the blessing of being able to open up the windows again, letting the breeze sweep through our houses. Not only is this refreshing, but it’s also beneficial to our health as it cleanses and improves the air quality inside our homes.
As the days are now growing longer and warmer, it’s likely our desire to be out and about is growing as well. And with our ever-busy schedules, the increasing amount of evening sunlight might also open new windows of opportunity. Perhaps we’re able to find a little extra time and energy to engage in more outdoor activities, such as community sports, gardening, house projects, or neighborhood walks. These are all great ways we can incorporate more movement and physical activity into our daily routines which might have been lacking over the winter months.
It’s well known that exercise and working out offer loads of benefits to both our physical and mental health. However, studies also show that even just being physically active with everyday movements (known as “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis” aka “NEAT”) has similar impacts on our overall well-being. Simply incorporating more movement into our days through regular activities such as house cleaning, gardening, painting, or hand washing the car can all add up to equal big change. When running errands, opting to walk or bike rather than drive, or parking your car farther from your destination are also excellent ways to get in a little added movement while also breathing in the fresh spring air.
Now all this deep cleaning and clearing, and extra moving about will surely make a person hungry! And when it comes to the changing of seasons, this often correlates with some natural changes in what we’re eating. Again here we have a chance to align with the renewing energy of spring and do some cleaning and clearing for our bodies as well.
Perhaps our diet could use a little “cleaning up”, or we’d like to make some tweaks to our eating habits and routines. As the growing season begins again for much of the country, it becomes easier to eat more fresh, local produce, and what is in season. Doing so helps support the local economy, eases the strain on the environment, and boosts our nutrient intake. As the ground thaws, keep an eye out for local farmer’s markets and CSA programs to begin sprouting back up.
And speaking of sprouting, if the blooming of spring has you feeling inspired, this is the perfect time to start planting your own seeds. Whether in an in-ground garden, a raised bed, or a window box, growing your own produce is a wonderful way to reap all the blessings of the season.
Being mindful of quality is another valuable step to take towards keeping a clean diet, and supporting eco-friendly practices, so be sure to choose organic or non-GMO seeds and produce when available. Check out the latest “Dirty Dozen” and “Clean 15” lists online to find out which products are most important to be buying organic.
Here at The Green Pineapple Wellness Cafe, we take advantage of having a year-round growing season by continuously utilizing produce from nearby farms and growers. And we pass that freshness right on to our guests, incorporating ingredients into both our menu offerings and our seasonal farm-to-table wine dinner events.
Now if the energy of the equinox is inspiring you to do a spring cleanse or reset, we also offer a juicing program and we have fresh cold-pressed juices available daily in our cafe. Juicing can be an ideal way to cleanse and reset the digestive system and help motivate and kickstart dietary habit changes, putting a spring in your step. You can sign up in-house or online for any of our 1, 2, or 3-Day Juicing Programs, or simply incorporate our fresh pressed juices into your daily diet.
Though we've only just said hello to spring, soon April showers will give way to May flowers, and before we know it we’ll be turning the page to June and welcoming summer. So as the days roll on by, getting warmer and longer until then, we wish you the luck of the Irish with whatever new things you might be sprouting this Spring. And as always, we offer our blessings and support for a blossoming new season!